Imagine walking 60 miles.
Imagine walking 60 miles with 3,000 strangers.
Imagine walking 60 miles in 3 days, and sleeping on the ground in tents with the temperature at a chilly 30 degrees.
Imagine having to peel off 3 layers of clothes before you could shower.
Imagine shivering in your mummy sleeping bag and then walking 20 miles the next day on 4 hours sleep.
Imagine drinking gallons of PowerAde and water because despite the cold, as you walk you are sweating.
Imagine just wanting your home, your bed, and your shower.
Imagine walking 60 miles in 3 days.

Now imagine this:
Imagine a Girl Scout Troop who made thousands of beaded bracelets and pink ribbons to hand to each walker.
Imagine a man who despite loosing his wife to breast cancer this past summer continued her tradition of handing out fresh baked pink ribbon cookies to every walker.
Imagine getting a foot rub from fellow walkers on day 2 mile 32.
Imagine State Patrol Officers high-fiving you through intersections.
Imagine truckers honking air horns every time they pass.
Imagine hugs from strangers on street corners.
Imagine a thousand new, clean port-a- potties.
Imagine reading and learning about hundreds of strangers who died from breast cancer on the T-shirts of those walking ahead of you.
Imagine a wonderful woman who cheered us on up EVERY hill with blaring Motown music on her motorcycle.
Imagine the sign on my front door when I got home from my daughter who wrote, "Girls can do anything, especially YOU mom!"
Imagine standing with a group of 200 breast cancer survivors and thanking everyone for walking, so that my daughters will never know this disease.
Imagine the theme of the walk: Humankind. Be both.
Imagine raising $2,700 with the help of wonderful people like you.
Imagine raising 6 million dollars with the help of 3,000 other walkers.
Imagine saying "I can’t wait to do it again next year!" (I already registered!)
Imagine an end to breast cancer.

Ready to donate--click here

Well it has now become a fall tradition! On Oct. 11-13, 2002 I will be participating in the AVON 3 DAY BREAST CANCER 60 MILE WALK for the third year in a row. There will be over 3000 participants walking from Bear Mountain NY to Manhattan. Last year I tried something different and participated by becoming a member of the medical crew for three days. I’m not sure which was more difficult, walking for 60 miles or working really hard at a pit stop. We took care of more blistered feet than I’d ever seen in my life. Emotional support and encouragement was also a large part of our job. Being a member of the crew was a memorable experience.

Why do I keep doing this?

I am walking for you... for me...for my loved ones and yours...

The fight against breast cancer is far from over and everything that we can do to help is a step in the right direction. The thing that is needed most is money. The more we raise the closer we will come to finding a cure.
Early detection is the greatest weapon against Breast Cancer, I want to help ensure more survivors, and it takes money to do that. Breast Cancer is the leading cause of death among
women ages 40 to 55. More than 180,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with Breast
Cancer this year and greater than 42,000 will die. Every woman is at risk for Breast Cancer, and even men are at risk. It cannot be prevented but it can be treated when detected early. There are over two million Breast Cancer survivors in the United States today! Your donation may enable somebody else to survive Breast Cancer.
Unfortunately, most of us have been touched in some way by the tragedy of this disease. Perhaps you’ve lost someone, or have helped a friend through such a loss, or perhaps you know a survivor. I would like to add to the mileage by encouraging others to take this walk with me – if not in person, then in spirit by supporting me financially. If 10 people support me, that’s 600 miles we’ll be racking up! If 50 people support me, that’s 3000 miles we’ll be walking together! Think about your loved ones – mothers, daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, aunts, and friends -- how far would you walk to help them survive Breast Cancer? If you are not able to do the walk yourself, then please support me in my efforts.

By signing up for the walk, I agreed to raise $1900.00. All money must be in the fundraising account by September 1, 2002. Will you please make a fully tax deductible pledge to help me meet my goal? It goes without saying that any donation you make will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your support!

(yes, another donation button)

Thank You Very Much to Erin Bennett who graciously allows everyone to use her buttons she makes. Visit her site by clicking below.

Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Webring by haleysf3633
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